If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees. —Rainer Maria Rilke

Rishita loved gardening. Garden was like a nest and she was like a missel thrush, where she could spend endless hours. The chirping birds, rustling leaves, were like a musical hymn that she could listen to forever and felt emotionally connected with them and could understand the whispers of natural beauties. They were all her friends. The lush and shadowy areas, the splendid beauty of colorful flowers, and the pleasant smell of leaves enchanted in the garden gave her a serene feeling.  Every tiny or gigantic beauty in the lawn had something to tell and their glory bought a mediating effect.  It was Sunday, Rishita was strolling in the garden and suddenly a big smile floated on her face. It was a magic of greens only. A bulb that she planted a year back did not bore anything till now, today a beautiful shoot blossomed out of it. It was an ecstatic feeling.

Awesome Green Plant Growing on Black soil background royalty free stock images

After a long time, she felt so cheerful. For the last few months, she was feeling unhappy, and nothing seemed to ward off her sadness. Spending time in the canopy of flowers was a breather, but her mind was in a constant tussle behind the scenes. Energy levels were low, and frustration was at its peak. Nothing could solace her. In past, her greens have been in their ways have guided a way out and those mesmerizing beauties had been her companion in the curves of life. They have always inspired and taught priceless lessons of life to her. On the humorous side, even her family also at times felt envious of their friendship. However, this time her restlessness and stress were somehow multiplying with every passing day. Something inside her that she was not able to share with family, and at the subconscious level she knew the way out, but her low confidence and fear were gripping hard.

Her green friends have always stood by her side and this time was no different, they again did the magic. In their unique way guided her to find the courage to accept the truth and resolve her apprehensions. A new birth of a tiny sapling in the garden from a dormant bulb that was planted a year and a half back bought a smile and new hope. It was an answer to many questions that were constantly knocking on in her mind. Rishita was fighting with herself and finding it hard to reset her priorities and subdue the doubts and anxieties that were standing tall as barriers and crossing them was a challenge she felt dread. She always wanted to start her own small business, but amid the family responsibilities, her dream always took a back seat or remained dormant just like that bulb. Now when she had all resources and ideas, weird thoughts panicked her, and she uses to get rolled up in the vicious cycle of negative thoughts lowering her confidence and motivation. She was trying to fight them back but her fears and thoughts were more powerful. On that day, the small, tiny seed gave her meaningful and priceless advice. Its birth made her realize that nature teaches resilience. The long journey of that bulb was full of darkness and it must have been like a warrior that fought and finally made the way. Reaching to see the sunshine was its goal. There must have been tremendous pressure on that little life, firstly with itself to break open the seed, and, then struggling with the darkness of soil and then finally emerging out of the soil to see the first ray of sun. The way to its destination (sunlight) was long and tiring and full of obstacles but the tiny creature’s determination and dedication towards its goal made it won overall odds and finally a rebirth in the world of chaos.

The small sapling gave confidence to her and made Rishita realize that her dreams can only come true if she sets her eye on them and takes action. It made her introspect that just a thought of doing something cannot work alone if not accompanied with persistence and hard work in the right direction. She must cross the barriers of all the self-limiting beliefs and make a way out. She had immense potential and in her home front, it was already reflecting. Her family adored and respected her for the confidence she boosted and the faith she hooded for them when they were in low phases. Ironically, she was finding difficulty; Her imagination was running wild with all types of concerns making her feeble and irritated.

But her green friends as always swirled their magic wand and gave a beautiful lesson. Rishita realized that for making her dream come true she must believe in herself. Even before spreading her wings, she feared failure but trust in one’s self is utmost to rise and shine. Just like that seed before getting that life remained in darkness for the longest of time and strived to rise high above the soil, she also must fight the fears and inhibitions that she held and strengthen herself with positive thoughts and affirmations that will help her to cross those shady tunnels. Let her candle of determination make a way out to see the sunshine.

She knew her potential but somehow after two decades invested in her family, made her a good homemaker but dipped her confidence to step in the shoes of an entrepreneur. Even though venturing in that was making her jittery, but those tiny creatures gave a big message of believing in self and how to manage trimming down the weeds /predators synonymous to obstacles on the path that leads to your goal.  She also understood that one must be conscientious and instead create a symbiotic relationship with foes. Rishita recognized that her anxieties and apprehensions are like alarms to alert her and she has to overcome them.  She thanked the small green friend that melted her fear iceberg and made her feel relaxed and energetic and sorted to make a new beginning of life.   

If we see around our Nature is the biggest teacher and every little life has a story to tell and inspire. Let’s feel the closeness to nature and be mindful and learn from God’s most beautiful creation.

Like wildflowers; you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would. – E.V.

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Vijay Kumar Gupta
Vijay Kumar Gupta
3 years ago

Excellent video.

3 years ago

Really inspiring

3 years ago

Very good and nicely explained Nature has powerful energy we should aways feel better and energetic in the lap of nature

3 years ago

Very good and nicely written

Vandana Sharma
Vandana Sharma
3 years ago

My dream cottage 😍

3 years ago

Very well written…

Meenakshi Madan
Meenakshi Madan
3 years ago

You have woven thoughts of many homemakers, mother’s especially females who loses their identities in fullfilling the dreams and requirements of their loved ones ,their children in your story,and showed the path also in sweet and simple way. Nature teaches us so many things.we should have eye for it

3 years ago

Very beautiful description of nature and its relationships with h

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