Online Mental Health Services

Online Mental Health Services for you

As we try to go through our personal and professional lives in the modern world, we often feel alone, burdened, and many times even overwhelmed. Maintaining healthy connections with other people has also become difficult. Many of us experience mental health problems, but very few get the support we need to deal with personal and interpersonal problems. The pandemic has raised awareness about mental health and the connection between it and good physical health. Here at Healing Nest, we provide support, guidance, and a judgment-free environment for individuals to heal and grow. This is a safe space for people with any background, gender, or sexuality. 


The core services in our clinic include general counselling, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, art therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, and stress management. Assessment, diagnosis, treatment, or counseling for mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, psychotic disorders, adolescent issues, and parent counselling. Which further lowers the chance of developing chronic conditions linked to substance addiction, stress, and worry. . Different cognitive reconstructing techniques are used to deconstruct unhelpful thoughts while supporting the existing personality structure.

Mental Health Service

We try our best to improve your outlook toward life and help you get all the support, tools, and techniques you might need to help yourself effectively deal with a broad range of individual, interpersonal, and social problems. We help you understand emotions and patterns that are linked with the changes in the brain and body. A lot of stress can be disturbing and can take a toll on your emotional and physical health, narrowing your ability to think clearly, function effectively, and enjoy life. There can be conflicts and moments when one feels unheard and the communication gap widens with people around.


We provide treatment and support for various mental health issues. Through different psychotherapy techniques in detail, the problem is understood and a guided approach is used to bridge the communication gaps and conflict resolution. It is important to address the stressful situations and thoughts followed by them to get a better understanding of your needs. We follow a receptive approach with affection, care, and a growing environment at Healing Nest so you can rediscover, learn and heal effectively. Our focus is on helping you identify healthy ways of coping with your stressors and give you the support you need to get back to your healthy and improved lifestyle.  All information about you is kept purely confidential.

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