“It’s not important what other people believe about you, its’s only important what you believe about yourself”                                                                                                                                 -Rev.lke

Recent news of the suicide of Sushant Singh Rajput has shocked all of us. A real disappointing and disheartening one`. At the peak of his career and with all the best things in his kitty that he earned with hard work and perseverance, still he gave up. What was it that made him succumb to DEPRESSION? Sushant is the not the only one, there are many people like him who give up with their dreams and surrender to death in the spur of moment.

Did we ever wonder why such happens? At surface level, there may be many reasons like conflicting relationships, job issues, financial problems or it could be any. People easily gets demotivated and fearful when they encounter failure in any area of life. Apparently, these reasons appear to be the real reasons behind. But it is not true, it is far different from it. In our society, since our childhood, most of us are conditioned in a way where we need to seek approvals from other for small decisions, we are judged for our acts and graded for our performances just like in school kids get A,B,C grades. These evaluations whether in academics or in other spheres of life subconsciously ingrain a seed in mind that success is not only about the work you do but also seeking the social approvals. They are weighed more than your personal credentials. The child’s personality gradually shapes with this thought. Fear and self-doubts become the second to his mind. Thus, the self-confidence and self-esteem are influenced by all these small incidents that happen in young age gradually start digging deep caves inside. With time, these may result in lack of confidence and loss in self- belief in handling rough patches in personal and professional associations. It may make the person an easy prey to depression, anxiety, frustration, anger, and sadness. The only two questions that come in mind in those times is Why Me” and “What If?” These questions are sufficient to create a Fear of Unknown. The fear that create barriers that blocks our vision to see the new possibilities in life. These barriers in thoughts are as damaging as grave injuries after an accident. Literally, it shelves out all good thing or relations that you possess. Let us learn how to manage it:

Belief in self is the only magical wand that can stir off the toughest of time and may help you see the brighter side of the odd situation. For building self-belief, it is important to accept the situation that you are facing. Usually, there is a denial in mind when facing the turmoil, but this non- acceptance approach only worsens it. The more you resist the more it will persist, making it more painful. Do not crib and question yourself but bring acceptance of the problem, it will help in finding the solution just like a ray of hope in the dark room. A first move from walking out of the emotional vicious cycle.

Be grateful for all you have at present, to all the achievements that you achieved in past. Usually, we tend to dwell more on the unfulfilled wishes or desires and that is the reason for our pain and depression. We somehow shield ourselves from all the good things we possess, we create a tunnelled vision. In the rat race, the desire to achieve the unachieved is so strong that becomes the trigger to run faster till you exhaust and give up. The mental health is most important, do not overburden yourself with the heaviness of unachieved and unfulfilled wishes and expectations. Set the goals, do your best to achieve them but do not exhaust. Take timeouts and reset things if required. Talk out and keep moving, do not stuck yourself, try out new ways and think out of the box to make it happen.

Talk to self and approve your own self, do not let others judge you or assess you. Do not treat yourself like an answer sheet to be checked and graded by others. Be your own judge and process and script what you feel is right. It is quite interesting fact that our brain feeds what you tell it. It does not have its own brain to judge the right or wrong. It attracts what you think and feed.  Create your own perspectives and do not let yourself down with others approval or let their influence overpower you. Everyone creates their own story, so play as Hero and not the victim in your life story.

Empathise yourself, its ok to feel low and fail many a times. Success is not guaranteed in every attempt you make. Do not let your overthinking and negative energies bully your self-belief. Let your past become a slam book storing all your bitter, sweet memories and experience. A journal of your learnings , a reflection of your mental strength that “You Can Do It”.

Self- Confidence and Self- Belief open zillion opportunities and brings in strength that none can bring. Train your brain that it is ok to fall, make your fall, a time to rethink and rebuilt yourself. Your fall is the reflection of your first effort towards your dream. Let it happen!!!

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”                                                                             -Martin Luther King Jr.

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DR nupur
DR nupur
4 years ago

Wonderful post! Thanks for the same!!

4 years ago

My favorite lines were, Train your brain that it is ok to fall, make your fall, a time to rethink and rebuilt yourself. Your fall is the reflection of your first effort towards your dream. Let it happen!!!
Thank you for sharing this ma’am! Beautifully expressed!

4 years ago

Very beautifully explained the situation and circumstances and failures we should handle wisely and should not feel low or depressed.

Vishal Gupta
Vishal Gupta
4 years ago

Lovely Nidhi…so well written…keep posting such articles…

4 years ago
Reply to  admin

Very nice ma’am
At this time actually we need motivation.
Thanks for sharing

Surbhi Garg
Surbhi Garg
4 years ago

Wonderful article dear and 100% correct..

Richa Seth
Richa Seth
4 years ago

Well written Nidhi…we should not look for scorecards given by others, rather prove these scores to be wrong and keep moving forward… positivity and confidence is the true wealth one should aim to earn.

4 years ago

Beautifully expressed ,I think there should be workshop for emotional and mental wellbeing of children as well as their parents. In present day scenario many a times parents often act
as the pushing force for children to do better, achieve better and be in the rat race.

Meenakshi Madan
Meenakshi Madan
4 years ago

Very well written

Tarun Madan
Tarun Madan
4 years ago

If only that one moment could pass……
Nobody or neither a situation should be able to dent your SELF BELIEF. That’s the strength We all need to acquire. Your write up explains this beautifully!
Very well written Nidhi.

4 years ago

Marvelous blog written by you on the sad desmise of Sushant Singh Rajput.All young people should understand that belief in self can do anything for them in this world

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