Ability teaches us how we do; Motivation determines why we do and Attitude decides how well we do

Who doesn’t want to be successful? I am sure we all are always wishing, looking and moving in the path that lead to success. Success is the result of our hard work, environment, education and other factors. but the most important prerequisite for being successful is that developing the Attitude for Success . According to a study in Harvard, people who are successful are a result of 15% intelligence and 85% attitude.

The three emotional components, our thoughts, belief and behaviour together combine to form an Attitude. The person with a negative attitude will keep on knocking the doors and will have his eyes shut for the good things around him. He will most of the time, appear frustrated, bitter, stressed, ill health, purposeless and many more. But a person with positive mindset will enjoy high self-esteem, and cheerful and energetic. They find their life more meaningful and rewarding. They have a head start over others. We all are walking on acres of diamonds if we have an eye to focus on the opportunities. It is our attitude that determines makes our story a success.

Success is a like a journey that is full of adventures and stories. Those who travel it without losing the vision are the ones that reach the epitome of their life. There are times when things don’t go in the desired way, frustration, cribbing, sadness and disorientation from goal is evident. During those times many people succumb to the negative emotional states, but the ones who sail through the storm of these tides are the real achievers. The winners are also losers, but their loss is always perceived as a learning for their next steps. This is the optimism that segregate them from the crowd. Ideally, it is not possible to be always positive. It is a constant effort to maintain it. To build and maintain a positive attitude it is important to preach and be aware of these three principles:

  1. Find the Positive – success never comes without failure. Things in life always come in combinations that are opposite. Like loss- win, profit loss, success- failure and many more. When people struggle to move in the path leading to their goal, they also come in brush with their own set of disappointments. But the people with positive approach tries to find one right thing in all that is mess. It is just like looking for a blessing in disguised situation. Lows and heartbreaks are also part of their journey but they don’t put themselves down. Instead they anchor themselves more firmly with greater wisdom.

Steve Jobs the cofounder of Apple was forced out of his own company in 1985 due to power struggle with the company’s board and its then-CEO. It was real tough time as he was pushed out of his own setup. Something that you have created was snatched from your hands. Disappointment and sadness was inevitable but he moved on. And the same year, Steve Jobs found NeXT along with few of his ex-teammates. A computer platform development company that specialized in computers for higher-education and business markets. He didn’t let his vision narrow down to the game of complaints and destiny. Rather he broadened his vision to better and more progressive things.

There is no shortcut to success. Discipline and consistency in efforts forms the ladder to success.

 “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your ALTITUDE”

 Zig Ziglar

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Deepti Agarwal
Deepti Agarwal
4 years ago

Mantra to succeed in life,,too good,, thanks Dr Nidhi

4 years ago
Reply to  Deepti Agarwal

Thank you 😊

Dr. Anubhav Rathi
Dr. Anubhav Rathi
4 years ago

Very motivating. Instantly energizes you to get up and get going

4 years ago

Thank your feedback is very valuable

4 years ago

Gratitude unlocks the fullness in life… Wonderful line and I seconds it. Excellent blog, very useful and keeps u moving ,energies u …….Thank you

4 years ago
Reply to  Poojagarg

Thank you for reading 😊

Geeta Gupta
Geeta Gupta
4 years ago

Very nice and useful information for success in life congrats for this

4 years ago
Reply to  Geeta Gupta

🙏 thank you 😊

Vishal Gupta
Vishal Gupta
4 years ago

Excellent stuff…so motivating… Thanks

4 years ago
Reply to  Vishal Gupta

Thank you 😊

Amit Chandna
Amit Chandna
4 years ago

An insightful articulation…your posts are like Refresher course on the topics you choose , bringing in the dimensions that are commonly missed while self-reflection and more thorough understanding to ponder over the ones that are already in mind and sight …..

Meenakshi Madan
Meenakshi Madan
4 years ago

Very motivating and apt especially for youngster’s to keep them out of the herd , pacified and stress-free

4 years ago

Thank you 🙏

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