“God gives every bird its food, but he doesn’t throw it into his nest”.

J.G Holland

Each one of us have wings, we can believe ourselves to be positive about flying but until and unless we flap the wings and make effort, we can never soar heights we dream of.

Be Positive is often heard/told when someone is disappointed or sad, our near dear ones always give this short but a very powerful phrase as piece of advice to give solace in tough times. This phrase has become so common in present that the young generation’s mindset that they use it frequently without really knowing, what it means and how to stay positive.

By repeating this short and sweet combination of words “Be Positive” we just become a courier to wisdom, and lecture others with knowledge that we rarely use or apply in our own lives.

It is important to understand that being Positive is very motivating but unfortunately positive thinking alone might not guarantee success, nevertheless negative thinking brings one close to failure. Like, Suzzane was a good dancer, she participated in a dance competition cleared all preliminary rounds. She was now in final round. She was very positive for winning the competition. She often used the tag line “Be Positive”.  She had the best choreographer, best dance song and the theme but she lost the competition. Though she was very positive, but her positivity was not backed up by actions. She took things for granted that cost her, the defeat in competition.

Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted any seed. You must take action to get what you want. Just thinking for things won’t help. The positive mindset, of a person lets him dream big for himself. Dreams are like movies that you watch for free. But to make it reality , a combination of positivity and efforts in right direction will reward you with the goal. Else, the chances of results being fruitful are bleak. The positive thinking must be backed up by actions.

Let me explain with other e.g., a student was very hopeful that he will score first position in class. He was a scholar in group. He was very confident for the results, but, unfortunately, he only managed to pass exams. The reason being that Stay Positive Attitude lacked Action. He did not worked hard enough to achieve his goals. He dreamt high, had the ability and carried a very optimist attitude but the real essence, the action was missing. He did not give enough time to his studies and the result was just passing percentage.

So, let’s understand how it works. Positive thinking is just one part of game. Action is other part that you wish to win. There is a huge difference between thinking positive and doing that which needs to be done positively. If a person is doing action but not having positive approach, he will always struggle. He is seldom happy.

The 3 P’s Formula that will assure success in all endeavours,

For attaining the best results, just follow this simple equation,

“A positive attitude is something everyone can work on, and everyone can learn how to employ it. “              

Joan Lunden

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aparna gupta
aparna gupta
5 years ago

Good peice of thought dear

5 years ago
Reply to  aparna gupta

Thank you plz keep reading and sharing 🙏

Geeta Gupta
Geeta Gupta
5 years ago

Very nice and useful information and practical also

5 years ago
Reply to  Geeta Gupta

Thank you 😊

5 years ago

Wow as always

5 years ago
Reply to  Pooja

😊thank you

Monika gupta
Monika gupta
5 years ago

So true very nice

5 years ago
Reply to  Monika gupta


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