Friends For Benefits Friendship Forever.

-Charles Darwin

It was 5am in the morning, the time of the most beautiful sleep, Aditi woke up by the cuddle from small little paws, and it was time to take Bruno for his nature call. Waking up with the rising sun and enjoying the freshness and the breeze of candid sunlight in the wee hours was the most comforting and serene time for Aditi in the whole day. All credits to little Bruno. It was a routine now, after this new addition in family. Initially, Aditi was against the decision of her husband and son to bring it.

There were heated arguments, but the team of boys won the battle and Bruno was ‘in’. He came in a little basket and the moment the lid was opened its sparkling little eyes had a magnetic charisma. The soulful eyes were captivating, wandering around.  A squeaky sound, from that miniature was trying to find comfort in a new place. The two-month little pup golden brown in colour, skin as soft as a baby, long ears touching the floor as he walked looked like a battery toy. Though Aditi was reluctant but its beauty was mesmerizing.

She could not resist the positive vibes that he brought along in the family. Within few days, Bruno made its space and was the candy of everyone at home. Its affection and love for all bonded the family in a new way. In the times of Covid when everyone got caged in their rooms, Bruno bought them together in the common area. The conversations that were minimal and formal now turned into laughter and discussions. The aura of that little soul was so pure and comforting, Aditi realised an immense change in her family dynamics, the giggles and chuckles were bringing happiness all around. Never she thought that it will become so close to her heart, and the bond getting stronger with every passing day.

Someone has rightly said that animals are the angels of God and they share and spread  love which is unconditional, they only look for warmth and tenderness. For them every gesture that is filled with kindness and empathy, they embrace it wholeheartedly. They sense the feelings with their heart and do not try to interpret the imperfections, or have any inhibitions. Even when we (humans) are lost in our own world of insecurities and bogged down with the pressures of proving our mantle, they support and stand by our side in the most reassuring way, reinforcing a ray of hope and happiness in the difficult times.

Their soulful presence has the ability to exhume subdued positive energies in the individual. In their own ways they inspire us to learn the small intricacies of life in a very sorted way. Simple beings, believing only in LOVE: as the fuel, in the engine of life. Their quality of limbering themselves with the turns and twists of life is amazing. Their requirements of life is minimal- love, safety and nourishment. Adapting itself, to any situation with no fear or reluctance is unique in these beings. They believe in being mindful and not fearful. 

We can learn so many life skills like love, empathy, dedication, passion, positivity from these divine angels. Their perseverance and commitment to their loved ones in an unbiased manner is the trait that humans need to learn and cultivate in today’s stressful life. They are the biggest cheerleaders of their partners (humans) in all the phases of life, their tenacity is admirable. The transmuting positive energies they radiate is therapeutic. The innocence of their eyes, wagging tails and flopping ears literally can floor anyone to love them. Pets have a strong intuition and can sense the emotions of their human friends easily.

Research has also shown that pet parents and pet friendly people are less prone to anxiety and depression. Their loyalty and companionship anchor the serenity and happiness in dull moments and moods.

There playfulness steals away the sadness and emit a positive vibe in the surroundings. In today’s time when people thrive on social media and virtual world the four legged miniatures connect us to the physical world, pulling us back to the splendour and dazzle of the real world. This beautiful creation of divine believe in flowing with the stream of life and putting their best of efforts with loyalty and commitment. The energy exchange with them is affirming and strengthening.

‘Love breeds love’ is what they preach and practice. Spiritually, they enlighten us with quality of contentment. The childlike innocence in their eyes teaches us humility and affection in a flawless manner; living every bit of life with zeal and liveliness. Their cuddles and tickles are symbolic of pure affection. Let us all try to transform and enrich ourselves with the qualities these furries, expressing without any words…….     

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Premlata Mullick
Premlata Mullick
1 year ago

So true 👍

Dr Anjana Tomer
Dr Anjana Tomer
1 year ago


1 year ago

its beautifully written. earlier, i always wanted to have a pet but now i just play with street dogs sometimes.
i agree it feels animals are grounded and are already there while we humans strive to be deeply and authentically embodied like them.

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